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Sepatu Flat V-Cut Classic

Sepatu Flat V-Cut Classic
Hasil gambar untuk V-Cut Classic Flats
- Ballet flat klasik desain warna solid
- Warna putih
- Faux leather upper
- Insole sintetis
- Outsole sintetis
- Sling back strap elastis
- Pointed toecap

Kisaran Harga di Zalora : Rp 449.000

Genuine Leather is a natural material from animals and therefore differs from hide to hide. Whereas Synthetic Leather are treated and reacts differently during coloring and tanning process, to replicate these textures of a Genuine Leather.

SKU (simple) E353ASHA90E5C0GS
Material luar Faux leather
Material dalam Sintetis
Sole Material Sintetis
Warna White

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